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Clinical Dermal Therapies

Skin Cancer Dermal Health Alliance Port Health Skin Rehab.jpg

Clinical dermal therapies are specialised treatments for an individual and are a tailored approach for skin lesions, chronic conditions, superfluous hair, prolonged sun damage and skins needing barrier repair & resilience.

These treatments are minimally invasive and corrective in their mechanism of action. Designed to work on both the epidermis and dermis for maximum repair and rehabilitation. These specialised therapies can be integrated with dermal therapies or beauty therapy treatments. Skin analysis, skin cancer assessment and lesion identification is mandatory before treatments can be confirmed.

Innovative advances in cosmeceuticals and clinical therapies form the framework of SkinRehab’s™ treatment menu. Careful selection of each intervention was rigorously researched for efficacy, safety, and minimal invasion to prevent downtime where indicated. That means, no gimmicks or trending, non-evidence-based treatments. Skin Rehab™ continually researches all of the modalities, products, protocols, and standard operating procedures for every treatment regularly, to ensure currency and best practices. The menu is concise. Targeting specific conditions and your concerns and we also work closely with allied health and medical professionals when referrals are necessary. Click on each treatment to find out more information.